Et idem dePulsus CYMBALONex duabus partibus, exemplar numero et specificationem. Model numerus indicavit a littera electi per se manufacturer, reflectendo in potestate modus et genus pulsus valvae (ius-angulus valvae, mundum valvae, etc). Pulsum valvae specifications exprimuntur, utrum per industriam signa vel domesticis et aliena productio plantarum solet ad pulsu valvae output portum configuratione connectens pipe interiori diameter exprimitur in pollices et mm. Cum enim progressus sacculi filter technology et foro demanda pulvis collector ad magnum et longum peram directionem, opus ad magnum flantem volumine, figura et magnitudine magna diametri valvae et supporting. A paucos annos in foro cum magnitudine externa dimensiones in III '(76mm) demergitur valvae eadem magnitudine, diameter diameter eiusdem 200mm IV' (102mm) pulsum valvae. Et in multis occasionibus sunt, sed ejus flante effectum causatur dubia. Non possumus videre figure I, quod valvae ait IV, aut 102mm est interiore diameter de output portum potius quam eius configuratione de interiore diameter ad connectens pipe, ita et ex ipsam flante effectum non est a output, ut et ex ipsam effectum est non a output, ut et de actuali fistularum diametrum, ad plumque, ad 3.5 (89mm) pulsum valvae.
Figura I, nominis IV '(102mm) Pulsus CYMBALON
Obviously the size of the pulse valve blowing volume depends not only on the output calibre, but also depends on the airflow flow channel volume and the valve opening (pulse valve opening diaphragm stroke), the flow channel volume and the increase in opening, so that the valve itself to reduce resistance, is to increase the volume of blowing gas and improve the performance of the prerequisites for blowing. Ex Figura I et Figura II potest videri, quod ita dicitur, IV '' (102mm) est CYMBALON in III '(76mm) CYMBALON corpus output Portus diametrum ad IV (102mm), ita reducendo ad valvae corpus fluxus semita volumine; In addition, in diameter de 200mm diaphragm ad expand diametri de output signantes pars (ut possit signare exterius diameter 102mm output), ut possit signare exterius diameter 102mm. 102mm output), ita reducendo diaphragma range motus et reducendo valvae foramen. A IV '(102mm) I.d. Output portum cum 3.5 '(89mm) I.d. Connectens fistula habet minorem Gas fluxus semita volumine et diaphragma range of motus quam III, valvae, unde in incremento in resistentiaPulsus CYMBALONipsum. Although the inner diameter of 3.5 ‘(89mm) than 3' (76mm) of the connecting pipe cross-sectional area increased by 36%, but because of the rise in the resistance of the valve body, the source of the gas flow into the valve body is subject to constraints on the blowing volume of gas can not be increased accordingly. Currently in foro erit hoc genus pulsus CYMBALE dicitur 'parva IV' valvae 'vel' falsum IV 'CYMBALON', quod usor notificatur quod hoc non est normalis IV 'pulsum valvae.
Figura II, III '(76mm) Pulsum CYMBALON STRUCTURA dimensiones
Pulsum valvae confidunt in diaphragmate ante et post duo caeli aethereum pressura mutationes in diaphragmate circa deformatio ad consequi ostium et claudendo de pulsum valvae in pipe, et non solum opus ad augendam valvae et in alveo sumptu (Stroke), quae requirit in configuratione maius diametrum diaphragmatis. Fere loqui, quod pulsus valvae output configuratione de interioribus diametri ex connectens pipe auctus per I '(25mm), in diameter necessitates augeri 30mm et diameter diameter determinare auctum 30Pulsus CYMBALONVidetur quod expansion pulsus valvae output gente et reducere magnitudinem valvae non potest esse simul.
Figura III, working diagram de pulsum valvae